26 noiembrie 2012

Chirurgie toracica

Dupa curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie Toracica:

Chirurgia toracică este ramura chirurgicală ce se ocupă cu diagnosticul şi tratamentul operator al afecţiunilorperetelui toracic şi pleurei, traheobronhopulmonare, mediastinului, pericardului, esofagului, diafragmului, precum şi ale graniţelor cervico-toracică şi toracoabdominală.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

nota: In SUA, chirurgia cardiovasculara si chirurgia toracica sunt grupate in Cardiothoracic surgery sau doar Thoracic surgery, chirurgii supraspecializandu-se fie pe chestiuni cardiace sau pulmonare/legate de peretele toracic. La noi se merge direct pe una dintre cele doua filiere: Chirurgie cardiovasculara sau Chirurgie toracica.


Thoracic surgery, also known as cardiothoracic surgery and cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, encompasses all types of surgery within the chest cavity, which includes the heart, lungs and esophagus.  Thoracic surgeons are concerned with the operative, perioperative, and critical care of patients with pathologic conditions of the chest.  

Surgeons in this subspecialty often focus on certain organs and procedures within the chest cavity. A general thoracic surgeon treats emphysema; tumors of the lung, esophagus, chest wall, and mediastinum; swallowing problems and gastroesophageal reflux; abnormalities of the trachea; and diseases of the diaphragm. A congenital heart surgeon performs surgical corrections of heart defects and furnishes cardiovascular support to infants and children. Any of these subspecialists may perform heart, lung, and combined heart-lung transplantations. A cardiac surgeon deals primarily with the surgical management of diseases of the blood supply to the heart, the heart valves, and the arteries and veins in the chest. 

Les affections traitées par la chirurgie thoracique concernent:
  • les affections chirurgicales de la paroi thoracique
  • les affections chirurgicales des plèvres et de la cavité pleurale
    • Les épanchements pleuraux bénins et malins
    • Les infections pleurales et le pyothorax
    • Le pneumothorax en chirurgie thoracique
    • Le canal thoracique et le chylothorax
    • Le mésothéliome en chirurgie thoracique
    • Les techniques chirurgicales spécifiques à la cavité pleurale
  • les affections chirurgicales du parenchyme pulmonaire, des bronches et de la trachée
  • les affections chirurgicales du médiastin (à l'exception du cœur, qui fait l'objet d'une branche particulière de la chirurgie)
Par ailleurs, la chirurgie de l'œsophage concerne essentiellement les chirurgiens digestifs.

Link-uri interesante:
Recomand in primul rand site-ul CTSnet.org (CardioThoracic Surgery Network). Aici gasiti foarte multe articole legate de Chirurgie toracica dar si video-uri interesante din timpul operatiilor etc. 

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